Local rate dialup
in the UK
When you connect to the internet all phone calls are charged
at standard BT local rate - there are no other charges. No
monthly payments from UK4Free!
Unlimited E-mail
When you signup you get 1 e-mail address. After this UK4Free
can enable you to have unlimited e-mail addresses.
5Mb Web Space
Free web space is provided on our unix servers to host your
web site. This is perfect for personal use. No scripts are
supported, although you can upgrade to 25Mb with script and
frontpage support for a small annual fee.
Would you like to video conference with friends, family and
work colleagues? With our standard ILS server you can do
exactly that. The ILS server is available for anyone to use for
any purpose. We also have a unique Safe 'N Sound server which is
guaranteed not to contain offensive entries. This server is not
available through any other ISP. For more information click on
the following link:
55,000 Newsgroups
This means you can discuss your favourite topics with other
users that share your interests. All usenet groups are supported
by UK4Free.
Technical Support
If you require technical support at any time you can ring
our helpline on (0906) 553 1583 and the call will be charged at
£1 per minute.
If there are any
other details you would like to know about the UK4Free service
before signing up please use our contact form and we will be
happy to help.
Are you ready to
sign-up to UK4Free? Please click the button below.
